Byline ICS

Alumni Donation Ambassador - Singh, Class of 2007

Written by Hitotsubashi ICS | Jun 9, 2022 10:30:00 AM

As part of the ICS Alumni Donation Drive running this June, we are introducing advocates that we call ICS Alumni Donation Drive ambassadors. This time, we talked to Singh, an MBA alum from the Class of 2007.

Q. How has ICS shaped you as a person?

ICS has been the foundation for me across the years [since completing my MBA]. The learning from various classes, faculty members and my peer group helped shape my business acumen. The value system and focus on ethics helped me become a better human being. This nurtured around me an environment of honesty and good values, which attracted like-minded people. Thus, extraordinary results could be achieved in the workplace, my life back home (country) becoming infused with these good values, leading to happiness. The association with ICS has continued beyond 2007 through faculty visits, class reunions, visits by fellow classmates and, lately, even an individual alumni award!

Q. What is the best memory from your time at ICS?

I would say learnings from both faculty members - including Prof. Nonaka, Prof. Takeuchi, Prof. Abe, Prof Fujikawa, Prof Robinson, Prof. Korver, Prof. Shimizu, Prof. Osono, etc. - and my classmates, who raised their hands and shared wonderful insights.

Q. Who was your zemi advisor? Any anecdotes you want to share with us about your zemi?

Prof. Patricia Robinson (Tish) was my zemi advisor. She made a lasting impression on me regarding how to make a meaningful contribution to business and society. Prof. Robinson hosted many dinners for us [her zemi members] and exposed me to business life in Japan. She facilitated my first networking event, at the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, where she told me to just stand up and introduce myself. That was a major step forward for a shy person like me.

Q. What motivated you to become an ICS Alumni Donation Drive Ambassador?

ICS has made a comprehensive contribution to my life. It would have been difficult for me to get an international MBA without ICS's support, given my limited means (read "poor") and modest background. I could implement my learning from ICS at work and beyond to lead a comfortable and satisfying life. It is now time to give back to ICS so that more people like me can get such an opportunity.