Hitotsubashi ICS MBA受験体験記 - My Application Experience

Topics: Life at Hitotsubashi ICS, Student Voice, Alumni Voice

Posted by Aki Fushima on Sep 23, 2024 9:15:00 AM
Aki Fushima
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Aki Fushima, a 2023 MBA graduate, reflects on her journey from initial motivation to securing a spot at her dream school, Hitotsubashi ICS. She shares insights into her application experience and what it took to achieve this milestone. 

 <English follows Japanese>

Hitotsubashi ICS MBA受験体験記 - My Application Experience

はじめまして。2023年入学・MBAクラスの伏間明子(Aki)です。日本で生まれ育った私は、第一子の妊娠をきっかけにMBAに興味をもち、社会人7年目・30歳でHitotsubashi ICS MBAの1年コースに入学しました。今回は、私がどのようにMBAスクールの出願準備をしたのか、そしてHitotsubashi ICSでの受験プロセスがどのようなものだったのかを紹介したいと思います。






いくつかの国内MBAスクールを比較検討した結果、最終的に志望軸と一番マッチしていたHitotsubashi ICSを志望校として選びました。妊娠中で時間に余裕がなかったため、第一志望に集中して出願しました。その結果、合格をいただき、受験校を絞り込んだことで選考も良い結果が得られたと感じています。


Hitotsubashi ICS受験から入学までのスケジュール


  • 20223月〜5:情報収集、志望校選び
  • 20225月〜7:GMAT対策
  • 20227月下旬:GMAT受験
  • 20228:OG訪問
  • 202289:エッセイ課題執筆、面接対策スタート
  • 2022910:その他提出書類の準備
  • 202210月中旬:1次試験(書類)提出締め切り
  • 202211月上旬:1次試験結果発表
  • 202211月下旬:2次試験(面接)
  • 202212月上旬:合格発表
  • 20237月〜8:事前課題
  • 20239:入学




Hitotsubashi ICSの情報収集
Hitotsubashi ICSについては、公式イベントやオンラインで開催されるイベントに可能な限り参加しました。オープンキャンパスでは模擬授業を体験できるので、特におすすめです。また、公式ブログ「Byline ICS」には生徒のインタビューや活動記録が掲載されており、学生生活のイメージを深めるのに役立ちました。さらに、育児とMBAを両立した卒業生にオンラインでお話を伺う機会もありました。
Hitotsubashi ICSのスタッフはとても親身になってくれるので、質問や相談があればためらわずにコンタクトしてみてください。特に、自分に近い属性や経歴の卒業生の体験談はとても参考になるはずです。

Hitotsubashi ICSを第一志望に決めたため、必須のGMATのみ受験しました。他のスクールも併願していた場合、TOEFLやIELTSの受験も必要だったため、対策にもっと時間を割く必要があったと思います。GMAT対策としては、書籍の参考書で基本を押さえた後、GMAT公式の模試や練習問題を購入し、本番に近いシチュエーションで練習しました。予備校の講座を利用する同級生もいましたので、スケジュールや苦手意識に合わせて対策することが重要です。



Hitotsubashi ICSの書類選考は、専用のWebページを使い、フォームに情報を入力したり、ファイルを添付したりして提出します。

エッセイ課題は4〜5問の長文課題で、深い自己理解と明確な志望動機が求められる設問が出題されました。私はエッセイに取り掛かる前に、自分の生い立ちや価値観、これまでのキャリアでの成功体験や苦労、MBAの必要性、そしてなぜHitotsubashi ICSを志望するのかなどをじっくり考えて言語化しました。結果として、エッセイの回答に一貫性が生まれ、面接でもスムーズに応対できました。




  • 将来の展望を含めた志望動機
  • 卒業後の進路
  • 現職の事業内容や業務について
  • 他校の志望状況
  • OG訪問の感想
  • 大学での専攻をビジネスでどう活かせるか
  • 質問したいことはあるか









「どうしてMBAが必要なのか?」という問いに対し、エッセイでも面接でも一貫して答えを示せたことです。Hitotsubashi ICSを志望する理由についても、イベント参加やOG訪問を通じて理解を深めたため、志望度の高さが伝わったと感じます。特にHitotsubashi ICS MBAは少人数制のコースであるため、選考でも人柄や態度が重視されている印象を持ちました。面接中に会話やディスカッションを楽しむことができたのも成功の秘訣だと思います。







Hitotsubashi ICSを卒業した今になって振り返ると、受験プロセスの全てがMBA入学後の日々に生かされていたと感じます。深い自己理解や明確なビジョンを持つことは、ビジネスリーダーにとって不可欠な資質であり、出願準備はその鍛錬の第一歩でした。決して無駄にはならないので、後悔のないように全力を尽くしてほしいです。



My name is Akiko Fushima (Aki), and I joined the 2023 MBA class at Hitotsubashi ICS. My interest in pursuing an MBA was sparked by my first pregnancy, and I decided to enroll in the one-year MBA program at Hitotsubashi ICS at the age of 30, with seven years of work experience. In this post, I would like to share how I prepared for applying to MBA schools and what the application process at Hitotsubashi ICS was like.

Background and Motivation for Applying to an MBA Program

My motivation to pursue an MBA stemmed from a desire to systematically organize and refine the practical experience I had gained over years working at startups. Additionally, I wanted to enhance my value through an MBA to overcome the career disruption caused by pregnancy and childbirth and to aim for a leadership position.

Choosing an MBA School

When selecting an MBA school to apply, I set several key criteria: a global environment with a diverse student body, a curriculum focused on practical experience, a program that could be balanced with childcare, and a faculty and post-graduation career support I could trust.

After considering schools based in Japan, I ultimately chose Hitotsubashi ICS as my top choice. Given my pregnancy and limited time, I focused on my first choice and applied during Round 1. As a result, I was accepted, and I believe that narrowing down my choices led to a successful outcome in the selection process.

Timeline from Applying to Hitotsubashi ICS to Enrollment

Here is the timeline of my application process and enrollment:

  • March–May 2022: Information gathering, selecting target schools
  • May–July 2022: GMAT exam preparation
  • Late July 2022: Took the GMAT exam
  • August 2022: Hitotsubashi ICS alumnae visits(online)
  • August–September 2022: Essay writing and interview preparation
  • September–October 2022: Preparing other application documents
  • Mid-October 2022: Deadline for submitting application documents
  • Early November 2022: Announcement of results of document selection
  • Late November 2022: Online Interview
  • Early December 2022: Admission results announcement
  • July–August 2023: Pre-enrollment assignments
  • September 2023: Enrollment



Information Gathering
In selecting my target schools, I researched admission requirements and program details on the schools' websites and attended online information sessions. In retrospect, I think it would have been more efficient to attend events hosted by prep schools like AGOS, where I could have learned about multiple MBA programs at once.

Gathering Information about Hitotsubashi ICS
Regarding Hitotsubashi ICS, I participated in as many official events and online sessions as possible. The Open Campus events, where you can experience mock classes, are particularly recommended. Additionally, the official blog "Byline ICS" features interviews with students and records of their activities, which helped me deepen my understanding of student life. I also had the opportunity to speak online with alumnae who balanced an MBA with parenting, which was very insightful.

The staff at Hitotsubashi ICS are very approachable, so I encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns. Hearing the experiences of alumni with similar backgrounds or situations can be particularly helpful.

Exam Preparation
Since I had decided that Hitotsubashi ICS was my top choice, I only took the GMAT, which was required for that program. If I had applied to other schools as well, I would have needed to take TOEFL or IELTS, requiring more preparation time. For GMAT preparation, after mastering the basics using reference books, I purchased official practice tests and exercises from GMAT and practiced under conditions similar to the real exam. Some of my classmates also took prep school courses, so it's important to tailor your preparation to your schedule and areas of weakness.


Application Process

Application Documents
The document screening for Hitotsubashi ICS involved submitting information and attachments through a dedicated web page.

The essay section consisted of four to five long-answer questions that required deep self-reflection and a clear statement of your motivation. Before tackling the essay questions, I spent time articulating my background, values, career successes and challenges, the need for an MBA, and why I wanted to study at Hitotsubashi ICS. This preparation helped me provide consistent answers in my essay and respond smoothly during the interview.

Letters of Recommendation
Recommenders themselves are supposed to fill out a web form. Since the form contains many questions, it's advisable to choose someone you can communicate with easily. In some cases, you may need to help translate their responses from Japanese to English.

Required Documents
I submitted PDFs of documents such as my ID, university diploma, and transcripts. Since it can take time to receive these documents from your university, I recommend requesting them as early as possible.

Online Interview
In the individual online interview, I could tell that the interviewers, who were professors from the faculty, had thoroughly reviewed my essay and application documents. While the questions vary depending on the candidate, I was asked the following:

  • Motivation, including future aspirations
  • Career plans after graduation
  • Details about my current job and responsibilities
  • Application status for other schools
  • How I could apply my university major to business
  • Whether I had any questions for them

Since I had little experience with interviews in English, I also practiced speaking through online English conversation classes, receiving feedback, and making improvements over time.


Challenges and Difficulties in the Application Process

I struggled a lot with achieving a good GMAT score. Despite spending several hours on weekends studying, my accuracy rate didn't improve as much as I'd hoped. In hindsight, I regret not allocating more time for preparation. Additionally, since I didn't use English in my daily life, I spent a considerable amount of time practicing for the interview. If you are in a similar situation as I was, I recommend gaining experience speaking with tutors from different regions through online English conversation classes.

Maintaining Motivation
I kept a note on my smartphone with the answer to the question, "Why do I want to pursue an MBA?" that I had prepared before writing my essays. I would read it over and over before bed. Additionally, I actively participated in Hitotsubashi ICS school events held during the application period, which helped me maintain motivation by imagining what life would be like after enrollment.


Reflections and Advice

Factors for Success
I was able to consistently answer the question "Why an MBA?" in both my essays and the interview. It's important to recognize that an MBA is not the goal itself but a means to an end. I believe that my strong understanding of why I wanted to attend Hitotsubashi ICS, gained through event participation and alumni visits, also conveyed my high level of motivation. Furthermore, since Hitotsubashi ICS is a small program that emphasizes discussion, I felt that personality and attitude were also important. I believe my enjoyment of conversation and discussion during the interview contributed to my success.

Advice for Future Applicants
Take the time to find an MBA school that fits you. In addition to being crucial for your application, motivation is key during the demanding MBA journey, so it's essential to be in an environment that you choose and feel satisfied with. Clearly define "Who are you?" and "Why MBA?" to find a school that aligns with your values and post-graduation vision.

I also strongly recommend starting your GMAT preparation early. The GMAT helps build the foundational skills needed for MBA classes. To those who may feel daunted by the exam, I urge you to prepare thoroughly, as it will pay off during your studies.

Finally, be honest in expressing your personality. "Authenticity," or being true to yourself, is emphasized in leadership courses after you enroll, and it is also a critical element of the application process. In your essays and interviews, focus on conveying your true self and beliefs rather than trying to appear bigger than you are. Remember, this is your first opportunity to communicate with the faculty members who will play a significant role in your MBA journey, so aim for a natural interaction.


Looking back now that I've graduated from Hitotsubashi ICS, I realize that every part of the application process was valuable preparation for my time in the MBA program. Deep self-awareness and a clear vision are essential qualities for a business leader, and the application process is the first step in developing them. It's worth making an effort, so I encourage you to give it your all to avoid any regrets.

Finally, I wish you the best of luck in your application process!


Aki Fushima MBA Class of 2023


Akiko Fushima

Akiko Fushima, a member of the MBA class of 2023, hails from Saitama, Japan. With seven years of experience working in startups, she specializes in marketing and brings a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this field. Balancing motherhood with her MBA studies, having given birth to her child just before entering the program, she exemplifies determination and resilience. Her academic interests at Hitotsubashi ICS centered around Human Resource Management and marketing, with a strong passion for the growth and globalization of the Japanese startup economy.



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